
Importer or Buyer

United State

Garibaldi De Mexico S De R L De C V
Av Industrias 810 N L 66062 Parque Industrial Escobedo Mexico

Company Profile

Garibaldi De Mexico S De R L De C V is a leading Importer of Fleje Pet 9.50 X 0.60 Liso Verde On 20 Pallets Fleje Pet 9.50 X 0.60 Liso Verde Flexter Con Antisplit Lote Nro.7473 A Del 11/11/16. Fleje Pet 12.0 X 0.70 Grafilado On 20 Pallets Fleje Pet 12.0 X 0.70 Grafilado Verde Flexter Con Antisplit Lote Nro. 7475A Del 14/11/16. .

We are a total capability turnkey solution company with expertise and vast experience in the field of Import.
We are engaged in offering diverse range of products offered by us which includes Fleje Pet 9.50 X 0.60 Liso Verde On 20 Pallets Fleje Pet 9.50 X 0.60 Liso Verde Flexter Con Antisplit Lote Nro.7473 A Del 11/11/16. Fleje Pet 12.0 X 0.70 Grafilado On 20 Pallets Fleje Pet 12.0 X 0.70 Grafilado Verde Flexter Con Antisplit Lote Nro. 7475A Del 14/11/16. .
Business Role : US Importer

Shipping Products

Fleje Pet 9.50 X 0.60 Liso Verde On 20 Pallets Fleje Pet 9.50 X 0.60 Liso Verde Flexter Con Antisplit Lote Nro.7473 A Del 11/11/16. Fleje Pet 12.0 X 0.70 Grafilado On 20 Pallets Fleje Pet 12.0 X 0.70 Grafilado Verde Flexter Con Antisplit Lote Nro. 7475A Del 14/11/16.

Eporter's Details

Itistrap S R L
Via Capovilla 73/Bis 36030 Villaverla Vicenza Italy Vat No 02808790246

Notify Party's Details

Tiba Mexico S A De C V
Jaime Balmes No 8-201 Col Los Morales Polanco Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo C P 11510 Mexico D F Mexico Tel 00525547778800

Shipping Details

B/L Number : HLCUGOAGK40940AA Shipping Date : 12-18-2016
Weight in (K): 41860 Pieces :2080
Piece Unit : PCS Measure: K
Port of Arrival : 5203, PORT EVERGLADES, FL Port of Origin : 47537, LIVORNO
Business Role : US Importer Destination Country : US
Countrty Origin : IT, ITALY Carrier : 4

Note:- The Company Profile Information above has been provided to us directly from US Custom shipment details. If you discrepancies with any information from this company please contact us immediately with url.