
Importer or Buyer

United State

Suntory Beer Limited
2-3-3 Daiba Minato-Ku Tokyo 135-8631 Japan Tel: 8135579-1518

Company Profile

Suntory Beer Limited is a leading Importer of Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Caed# 01C152Nc204220161100066 9 X 40St Pilsner Malt (Malt In Bulk) Made In U.S.A. Nc.

We are a total capability turnkey solution company with expertise and vast experience in the field of Import.
We are engaged in offering diverse range of products offered by us which includes Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Caed# 01C152Nc204220161100066 9 X 40St Pilsner Malt (Malt In Bulk) Made In U.S.A. Nc.
Business Role : US Importer

Shipping Products

Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Pilsner Malt(Malt In Bulk) Caed# 01C152Nc204220161100066 9 X 40St Pilsner Malt (Malt In Bulk) Made In U.S.A. Nc

Eporter's Details

Malteurop North America Inc
3830 W Grant Street Milwaukee Wisconsin U S A 53215 1 414 6490229

Notify Party's Details

Suntory Beer Limited
2-3-3 Daiba Minato-Ku Tokyo 135-8631 Japan Tel: 8135579-1518

Shipping Details

B/L Number : EGLV465677095431 Shipping Date : 11-28-2016
Weight in (K): 225000 Pieces :9
Piece Unit : BLK Measure: K
Port of Arrival : 3002, TACOMA, WA Port of Origin : 12493, VANCOUVER, BC
Business Role : US Importer Destination Country : US
Countrty Origin : CA, CANADA Carrier : 18

Note:- The Company Profile Information above has been provided to us directly from US Custom shipment details. If you discrepancies with any information from this company please contact us immediately with url.